#3 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

I think I often procrastinate, like preparing for exams, homework, or doing some housework.

Just like Tim Urban said, I think my brain also have an Instant Gratification monkey too, it’s where leisure activities happen at times when leisure activities are not supposed to be happening, causes me usually rush to finish my to-do list before a deadline matter, this bad habit bothers me very much.

However, I think the best solution to this bad habit is “Time Management”, such as setting a daily schedule.

The ability to manage your time effectively is important, good time management leads to improved efficiency and productivity, less stress, and more success in life.

Umm…hope this method will improve my bad habit!

Well, maybe not today but...

Sometime soon. ^­_^


  1. Looking forward to hearing good news from you. Haha.

  2. Time management is very important and useful. Hope we can do it well.


